Dear Hoonie,

Where did all the money go?

Have you ever asked this question yourself?

I definitely earned lots of money last month but my bank account is empty now xD


  • Monthly salary
  • Hoonie Tour fee


  • Student loan
  • House deposit loan
  • Rent
  • Credit card…

And now I have $73 in my bank account.

Where did all the money go? hahaha

Until I master the flow of money I would never know.

But thanks to this, good things happened yesterday!

Instead of ordering a delivery food, I cooked. Yay!

Instead of going shopping, I spent the whole day in the library. Yay!

Instead of watching YouTube, I worked harder to create the program! Yay!

Well, money comes and money goes.

As a man in his 20s, I really spend money carelessly.

Should I save money or buy assets like real estate and stock?

I really need financial education from someone.

Life is funny haha

오늘도 도서관에 가요 ㅋㅋㅋ 안녕!

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